Selasa, 16 April 2013

Heavy Metal Arsenic (As)

Heavy Metal Arsenic (As)

                                    Mega Indriyanti Nuris                                    1110095000001
                                    Robby Dzul Umam                             1110095000008
                                    Mutia Widi Riani                                1110095000016
                                    Alfan Farhan Rijaluddin                     1110095000017
                                    Rachma Fauziah                                  1110095000025

                                    Group / Semester, Class                      :   1 (One) / 5, A

Heavy Metal Arsenic (As)
Arsenic (As) is a naturally abundant element with atomic number 33, atomic weight 74.92 g / mol, has 2 solid form, is yellow and blackish gray, belongs to a class of semi-metal, and easily broken. Usually, along with other elements that oksugen, chlorine, sulfur, carbon, hydrogen, lead, iron, gold. As various compounds found in nature usually with other elements, such as silver, cobalt, nickel, iron, antimony, or sulfur.
Arsenic (As) is rarely found in the form elements as arsenic (As) usually form a variety of complex compounds, can form trivalent (As +3) or pentavalen (As +5), found widely in nature. In general, the As-As +3 in the form of inorganic compounds such as As-pentoxide, arsenic acid, Pb-arsenate, and Ca-arsenate. As can be organic-As +3, and As +5 or shape them arsanilat acid methylation. Arsenic in the living body, whether animal or plant, hydrogen or carbon joined to form As-organic.
Arsenic (As) is kimiawai have similar characteristics phosphorus. When heated, arsenic (As) will rapidly oxidized to arsenic oxide (As2O3), which has a smell like garlic. Arsenic (As) is widely used in Persia since ancient times to kill someone with symptoms of poisoning are difficult to detect. As2O3 is a poison commonly used since Roman times to the Middle Ages, whereas As2O3 colored white and tasteless so difficult to detect when given a little bit in the long term.
Arsenic (As) are found in nature in the form of minerals, such as arsenopyrite, nikolit, orpiment, enargit, and others. For the purposes of the mineral industry, Arsenic (As) is heated up so As to condense into solid form. Arsenic (As) derived from the earth's crust which, when released into the air as a byproduct of ore peleburuan renewal activity, Arsenic (As) in the soil in the form of ore, ie arsenopyrite and orpiment, which in turn can contaminate ground water. Arsenic (As) is an element of great berjumah crust, which ranks twentieth of the elements of the earth's crust, so it is very likely to contaminate groundwater and drinking water. Millions of people could be exposed to arsenic (As), as happened in Bangladesh, India, China. All rocks containing arsenic (As) 1-5 ppm. Higher concentrations are found in igneous and sedimentary. Soil result of rock weathering typically contain Arsenic (As) of 0.1 to 40 ppm with an average of 5-6 ppm.
Arsenic (As) is a toxic metal that is often classified as a metal, but more are non-metallic. Unlike other metals that form cations, arsenic (As) in nature in the form anions, such as H2AsO4 (Ismunandar, 2004). Arsenic (As) is not damaged by the environment, just switch to water or soil carried by dust, rain, or clouds. Some compounds Arsenic (As) is not soluble in water and will eventually settle to the sediment. Arsenic compounds were originally used as a pesticide and hibrisida, before organic compounds are found, and as a wood preservative (Copper chromated arsenic (CCA).

Usage in the Field of Industrial
First compound Arsenic (As) in the form of copper arsenite used as a green dye on the wallpaper. Arsenic (As) is widely used as a wood preservative Nor as the manufacture of a wide range of equipment in agriculture, such as the manufacture of pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, algasida, rodenticide fertilizers and soil sterilan. Additionally Arsenic (As) is also used as a component of the treatment of diseases caused by parasites, drug manufacturing doping (doping agents), bronzing making materials and weapons. As inorganic usually to preserve wood in the form of CCA, arsenic (As) used To prevent insect attack and decay of the wood. Arsenic (As) is also used as a hair dye mixture of dyes, pigments, assorted toys, food packaging, clothing dyes, and various jens alloys (alloys). In small amounts, arsenic (As) are used as a mixture of glass fabrication, metal, and electronic devices, as well as the manufacture of transistors.
Various compounds of arsenic (As) the important thing is white arsenic, orpiment, realgar, paris green, calcium arsenate, and lead hydrogen arsenate. Orpiment and realgar are as materials for paint pigment. However, due to high reactivity and toxicity, its use is prohibited. Gallium-arsenide is very important as the semiconductor material in integrated circuits, while laser dioada able to convert electricity into light. Monosodium methyl arsenate is a form that is less toxic organic As a replacement for Pb-arsenate as a wide range of uses in agriculture.
In the health sector, Arsenic (As) are used as materials for drug arsphenamine as syphilis, arsenic trioxide for the treatment of cancer-and as the manufacture of Fowlers solution for the treatment of psoriasis. The use of arsenic (As) as a material for the manufacture of pesticides have been banned rat poison. This is because human terganggunyakesehatan in the production process.

Pollution levels
Arsenic (As) is a naturally occurring compounds as part of the land, water, and rocks, which are particularly abundant in some types of rocks containing Co and Pb. Levels of Arsenic (As) in soil range from 1 ppm to 100 ppm. Arsenic (As) can be released into the environment from natural sources of minerals through the process of erosion and volcanic eruptions. These metals could be in the air through the soil. As many as half kada in the air comes from mud and dirt, while the other comes from human activities, including the activities of the industry. And an estimated 75% of arsenic emissions from human activities, namely in the form of mining smelting Co.
Increasing pollution of arsenic (As) in the environment due to increased melting various metals and emissions from the burning of coal to produce energy. Mining of metallic minerals containing arsenic (As) and tailings disposal can accelerate the movement of elemental As and will flow into the surface water system (Herman, 2006). Human activities that can release arsenic into the soil, water and air, including:
·         Release of Arsenic (As) to the ground, almost 95% of arsenic are released into the soil from industrial activities such as pesticide use, waste disposal, and waste umpur industry.
·         deliverance Arsenic (As) into the air, half of arsenic from the ash in the air is the result of volcanic eruptions, forest fire smoke, and from various industrial activities such as agriculture kususnya pesticides, and industrial electrical erlatan.
·         Release of Arsenic (As) into the water, most of the arsenic is released into the water through prose salami as climate change and industrial activities.
Arsenic (As) is naturally present charcoal pad and fuel oil. When burning to produce energy or gear, releasing the ashes produced Arsenic (As) is greater than the natural process. Exposure to arsenic (As) in the form of dust and smoke as smelting industry region.
From WALHI research, Buyat bay Minahasa North Sulawesi Brazilians tailings disposal site since 1996. Sebanayk 2,000 tons of tailings disposal kedasar Buyat Bay waters every day. Therefore, the concentration aesen at bay in the mouth of the tailings pipeline increased 5-70 fold. Meanwhile Hg increased 10-fold compared to the results of an analytical study on the effects lingukangan 1994 (the faithful, 2004). Arsenic pollution in the bay bottom sediments Buyat reached 666 mg / kg that are categorized based on the reference data in polluted marine ASEAN should only amounted to 50-300 mg / kg, which exceeds the standards for sediment America by 42 mg / kg. The results Evan Edinger-Memorial University of Newfoundland in 2004 found levels of arsenic in sediment discharge pipe swept right in Buyat. Arsenic concentration decreases with increasing distance from the end of the pipe. Levels of arsenic ranging from 74-663 ppm. Concentration of arsenic in Buyat bay sediments is greater than in the full-blooded bay, mine folk, with a notch another concentration of 65.92 ppm (siregar, 2004). In studies to four samples of drinking water in the village of Buyat, note that contained arsenic at 0.07 mg / L, which exceeds the 0.01 mg / L as the quality standard set by Permenkes no.907/MENKES/SK/VII/2002 ( Elly, 2004).
Contamination of arsenic in the human body can come dariair, soil, air, and food, both from natural and content processing. The content of arsenic in various types of food can be seen in table 1.1 below.
Table 1. Doses arsen in foods
Kind of food sources
Doses arsen (µg/
Udang, cumi, hidangan laut
Daging babi
Daging sapi
Garam meja

Pollution Reduction
Bioremoval is the use of biological material, such as microorganisms called biosorben useful for absorbing metal pollutants. Bioabsorbsi ability of microorganisms to accumulate metal pollutants visible through metabolism. The process is due to the biosorben bioabsorbsi and a solution containing metal pollutants (with high affinity) so easily tied to biosorben. Several types of microorganisms can be used as bioremoval. The use of microorganisms as bioremoval provide various advantages such as low cost which can produce high efficiency. Biosorben be regenerated, does not require plant nutrients, metals absorb considerable ability, and low sludge yield. Types of microorganisms that can absorb arsenic among which Chlorella vulgaris.
Another method to reduce the pollution that is by phytoremediation using plants that have a high capacity to transport various existing pollution or plants that have the ability to transport a singular pollution. Pteris vittata and pityrogramma calomelanos capable of absorbing more than 10,000 ppm arsenic in the shoots of plants (Aiyen, 2005)
To reduce the levels of arsenic in drinking water, filtration of the mixture used 3.8 g of Fe-sulfate and a small amount of Ca-hypochlorite, followed by filtration using sand (Sibbald, 2002).

Toxic Effects
Arsenic (As) can be used as an ingredient of a variety of drugs, but also the side effects if excessive doses are used. To that end, the use of drugs made from arsenic (As) should be careful as arsenic (As) are potentially carcinogenic. In the annals of Arsenic (As) is the most ancient poison casualties. Of 679 cases of murder, use of arsenic ranks first is 30.8%, using cyanide poison strikin 9% and 5.9%. The number of people taking such arsenic to murder because of them:
·         Arsenic (As) no taste, not colored, and odorless so easily mixed with food or drink without the slightest suspicion
·         Symptoms of poisoning are very general and not specific like vomiting so hard to recognize
·         Arsenic (As) is very easy to obtain in various forms, such as pesticides, rat poison, ant poison, herbicides, and certain medications.
Provision of Arsenic (As) in large doses can cause very severe symptoms after 30 minutes to 2 hours. Visible symptoms include nausea, vomiting, burning throat, abdominal pain, diarrhea with impurities such as rice water (sometimes bloody), Treasa dry mouth and metallic taste, garlic smelling breath and swallowing pain complaints. High doses can cause death. Meanwhile, low doses can affect the body's tissues and various types of nerve sitem body. Various types of diseases and organs are under attack due to exposure to arsenic (As) can be seen in the following table.2
Tabel 2. Toksisitas akibat terapar Arsen (As)
Organ yang diserang
Gejala/ Penyakit yang ditimbulkan
Hyperkeratosis simetris pada tangan, telapak kaki
Pembengkakan, penyakit kuning, kerosis, portal hipertensi
Sistem syaraf
Kehilangan pendengaran
Sistem kardiovaskuler
System hemopoises
System pernafasan
Kanker paru-paru
System endokrin
Diabetes melitus
Table 2. Toxicity due terapar Arsenic
Toxicity Arsenic (As) in humans could be observed using biological indicators, such as:
1. Levels of Arsenic (As) in urine, can be detected on the newly exposed to arsenic victims
2. Levels of Arsenic (As) in the blood, can be detected on the victim with acute exposure
3. Levels of Arsenic (As) in the skin, hair, and nails can be detected on the victim with chronic exposure.
Line Exposure . Exposure to arsenic (As) in humans can occur through several channels such as:
1. Oral exposure from food and beverages that have been contaminated with arsenic (As)
2. Exposure through respirators comes from airborne dust or fumes burning wood are preserved using arsenic (As), such as burning charcoal
3. Reside in a polluted environment Arsenic (As)
4. Work environment that uses raw materials Arsenic (As) and produce arsenic, including smelting Co, Pb smelting, wood preservation industry and pesticide industry.

Inhaled Arsenic (As) can cause loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea, further effects of arsenic (As) are:
1. Itching of the hands, muscle cramps and stiffness
2. Hot and irritation in the throat and stomach, breath smelling of garlic, mouth metallic taste
4. Influence neorologis ie such as anxiety, chronic headaches, fainting, dizziness, delirium, and coma.
Exposure to Arsenic (As) compounds through breathing apparatus in high dosisi can cause irritation of the throat and lungs, while exposure through the skin can cause the skin to become swollen and red.

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